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Regenicin cultured skin substitute is composed of cultured fibroblast and kerotinocytes on an absorbable collagen substrate (biomedical polymer) that produces a living skin substitute that contains both epidermal and dermal components. This model has been shown in preclinical studies to generate a functional skin barrier and in clinical studies to promote closure and healing of burns.

A small full thickness section of skin is harvested from the patient.  Skin cells (kerotinocytes and fibroblasts) are then isolated from the harvested section in the cell therapy facility and cultured separately in nutrient media in order to expand the cell populations.  Cell expansion in the cell therapy facility allows for the production of a large number of grafts from a small harvested section from the patient.  The cells are then combined with the proprietary biopolymer substrate which is fabricated from collagen.  Cells organize themselves on the biopolymer to ultimately mimic the structure of normal skin.  The final skin product would be shipped to the clinical site and surgically grafted onto the burned areas of the patient.